mailto: zhuyinheng666 AT;
zhuyh19 AT (deprecated at May 2025)
Zhu Yinheng is a 5th-year Ph.D student in Tsinghua University, China and he is currently a visiting student in UC Berkeley, USA. He graduated as distinguished student from the Department of Cognitive Science in Xiamen University, China, in 2019. He had interships as research assistant in Duke Kunshan University, SenseTime tech, and UC Irvine in 2019, 2018, and 2017 respectively.
Jul. 2023: One year visiting at UC Berkeley.
Jun. 2023: Dynamic reconstruction of coronary vessel is online available here
Sep. 2021: Join as research intern.
Sep. 2020: 🧊 A simplified 2d implementation of Incremental Potential Contact(IPC) algorithm, which is the course project of GAMES 201 by Yuanming HU, can be found here.
Jun. 2020: 〰️ 〰️ A interesting course project about continuous potential function in CRF will present in the Student Oral Presentation section in TBSI Workshop on Learning Theory.
May 2020: 📷-📷 a paper about Reference based Super-resolution is accepted by TPAMI.